Sunday, July 6, 2008

My Testimony

It seems like the adversary is ever present in my life.  I used to only feel him around when my husband and I were preparing to go on a date to the temple.  Something would always happen before going to the temple, whether it was a huge fight, or just being late for the ward session, or almost missing my sisters sealing due to getting my hair done.  Something always happens we always make it to the temple but it is never just an easy trip to the temple.  But now it seems like just the simple act of going to church every Sunday is difficult.  I had the kids watch a church movie this morning, I needed to feel the spirit in my home.  I needed it to be a heaven on earth.  During the movie there were distractions of course things that were irritating and that were drawing me away from the spirit that I so desperately needed.  The adversary is getting so strong that he is trying so hard to get into my home into my heaven.  I finally felt the spirit my kids did too Kael kept telling me that he believes in Jesus and Heavenly father So much he said.  I love that.  Then arriving at church seemed fine at first, then one baby started to cry and that got the other baby going.  The whole time I kept thinking just go home is this really worth it?  Are you getting anything out of this day?  Going in and out of the Chapel, all I wanted to do was hear the testimonies, it is my favorite Sunday.  The whole time I just kept thinking I know he is trying so hard to get me to go home.  Why?  Because of the truthfulness of the gospel he does not want me or my family to have that peace to have that comfort.  Having the struggle today only strengthened my testimony.  I know it is going to be hard, it seems like everyday it gets harder, but it is so worth it to me.  I have comfort in knowing that my Heavenly Father knows me and loves me.  That he sent me to a family where I could feel of his love, and know of the truthfulness of his Gospel.  The adversary does not realize this but the harder he tries to make me fail, the harder I work in gaining exaltation.  He knows of the truthfulness of this gospel and he does not want us to go to church to do the simple things like saying our prayers, reading our scriptures, going to the temple, he wants us to be miserable like him.  So today at church I was miserable, but I then got to feel of the spirit  that was there I was uplifted and edified and I am so grateful for the struggles that I had, they only make my testimony stronger.  I know my Heavenly Father lives and loves me faults and all, I know that Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  I know that President Monson is a true Prophet of God.  I am so grateful for the plan of salvation and that we will be with our loved ones again.


kme1981 said...

Why is it the sundays you really need just to listen to what is said your kids are acting up, crying, don't want to go to class, are sleepy and cranky??? Hang in there, hopefully someday my kids will act like they are supposed to and sit quietly...but most likely it won't be until they have kids of their own! But I agree with is so worth it!

Heather said...

I love love your new family pic first of all. Second of all girl....story of my freakin' life. After sacrament...EVERY...
sacrament....Cade and I give eachother a high five. In other words.. WE MADE IT!!! Sis. Murphy gives me hope. She keeps telling me to hang in there and that it does get better. For now I have faith in her words and try to look past the clumps of hair I pull out.

swavelyfamily said...

Amanda- this belongs on a billboard. We might not be the same religion but I know at times (especially lately) that I feel I need god in my life. I know I am not the best Christian or anything but when the times are tough it feels good to know that no matter how alone I feel I always have god to talk to and he will lead me to the correct path.
Thank You! for reminding us that we are all human