Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mr. Aiden had a birthday!!

I cant believe my little guy is already 2!!  I blink and he is doing something else.  I am in love with this kid, you have no idea what he does to me, just with his smile!  He tries so hard to be a good boy.  Most mornings he is awake before I am but he waits in his bed until I come and get him (he can get out by himself if he wants).  I noticed that he got a little grouchy over his binkie so at that moment I threw away all of his binkies.  We had one rough nap but other than that he is fine without it.  If you ask him where it is he will tell you in the trash.  If he asks me for it I tell him nope its in the trash your a big boy now, and that is pretty much it.  His vocab is growing more everyday.  Right now he says, mommy, daddy, stop it, Emma, bubba (for brother), french fries, juice, ball, shootie (our lizard), MyMy (for Mylee), outside, Alli, Lexi, Abbie, Isaac, Nanna, Bompa (for Grandpa), car truck.  The list just keeps going.  This age is my favorite age, I love watching him learn new words, or tricks, it amazes me.  Aiden is definitely a mommas boy, but if I am not around he likes everyone.  He can be sweet and kind, but in the next minute he can be a little monster.  One of his favorite words right now is mine.  For the most part he is very sweet to Mylee, sometimes he has trouble.  Last week we drove to Cali and Mylee screamed for most of the way Aiden kept yelling "STOP IT MYMY!"  She didn't listen.  (:  I cant imagine our home without Aiden in it!


jayme said...

Happy Birthday Aiden!! Cute pics

Meredith Ferrin said...

he is so adorable! Good job getting rid of the binkie!

Drew and Alicia said...

That boys neck always reminded me of ET. I love that boy!!!

Drew and Alicia said...

Hey is soooo stinkin adorable he can get me to do anything if he just gives me some of his love!!!! said...

Happy Birthday! In that first picture he looks JUST like Josh! I'm excited to see you guys in a few months!