Friday, May 16, 2008

While the boys are away...

The girls will play!!! And play we did. The boys left for the father & sons outing Kael was so stinkin excited, it was to cute!! Emma was a little disgruntled that she didnt get to go. So we had to make this evening super fun. Boy did we ever! We played dress up we were both pretty princesses, we made cookies, and we painted her nails. We had a concert and she sang all of her favorite songs to me. I recorded them on my phone and sent them to my family they all loved the little singer.
During the cookie making process I let her do pretty much everything, I think the funniest part was when she would crack and egg she would just crunch it in her hand and then put what she could in the bowl, it was to funny. I am so ready to put my pjs on and hop into bed. It has been a long week... more blogs to follow


Heather McMullin said...

How fun I am so excited to do this with Reagan! Tell Emma I think her nails and pretty princess dress are adorable!

Kristin said...

Too cute! And she is looking SO much like you!

Shelly! said...

Oh how fun! And like Kristin said, she is looking a lot like you. Wowza!

amelia said...

Amanda, I know everyone said this already, but she looks totally like you - particularly in the last picture. I always looked forward to father and sons for the girl time!