Thursday, May 29, 2008

Scary Morning

So its about 9am and I am just cleaning around upstairs, I hear Josh's phone ring he forgot it at home again. It is his boss asking if Josh is there. I was like no he's not at work? he said no at first I thought it was a joke but he said he hasn't come in yet. Well I said he left at 7am this morning he should be there by now. I started to panic. he said well when he gets there I will have him call you. I got off the phone with him and called my dad, I said Josh isnt at work yet he left at 7am he doesnt have his phone I dont know what to do!!! My dad said I dont want to alarm you but there was a fatal accident on the freeway right where Josh gets off the freeway to go to work this morning!! AHHHH I was alarmed I just started to shake thought thought of Josh being dead on the freeway and me not knowing was pure dread and terror. I didnt know what to do, go looking for him on the freeway? I mean what do you do in that situation? I call my mom and as she got on the phone his phone rang again and it was him. The sound of his voice was the sweetest sound ever! I had to call my dad and let him know he was ok he had to call my bro in law Isaac because my dad had called him. Then I thought of whomever was killed on the freeway and the sorrow that there family would go through and I said a little prayer for them. I am grateful that Josh was just stuck on the freeway in the middle of the accident traffic, then actually killed in the accident. It has been an hour since the whole mess and I still cant stop shaking or crying!! Things like this just puts everything into perspective. I guess tonight when he gets home and wants to play video games, I wont complain (to much about it) (:


The Ackerman Family said...

Wow!!!What a horrible experience! I am so glad Josh is OK! I hope your nerves have settled by now.

Diana said...

Oh man! Glad he's okay.

Jana said...

I get tears just reading that. It's a scary world and we have to be grateful for everyday! I hate those situations! Glad all is well!

raw mom said...

oh my gosh! i was totally freaking for you!
it's tough to think that thank goodness it wasnt your honey, but it was someones. so sad. i'm glad he's alright.

amelia said...

That is freaky! I'm glad all was well.

Jen & Johnny said...

I hate when things like that happen~ when you don't know where they are and can't get ahold of them.... your mind just goes crazy, and always thinking the worst!! Thanks so much for your suggestions on my blog!! I am going to try them all!!!Your kids are so cute!!!