Blowing out ALL those candles
The smoke!!
Posted by Unknown at 1:39 PM 6 comments
Posted by Unknown at 1:32 PM 7 comments
Ok my sweet little boy finally got tubes in his ears. Hopefully now everything will be better!! He had his appt on thurs January 15th he got tubes in both ears and had his adnoids removed. We had to be there at 6:45 for his 7:45 appt. Thankfully all the other kids spent the night at nana's house so I did not have to worry about them so early in the morning.
Posted by Unknown at 7:46 PM 7 comments
My wonderful friend Natalie chopped all my hair off and I love here are the pics!!! Thankyou Natalie for the cut I LOVE it!!
Sorry on the slacker blog lately but like I said I just don't have anytime to do anything but run!!! (:
Posted by Unknown at 3:09 PM 16 comments
So I thought for sure once Christmas was over my life would go back to being calm and rather boring. Boy was I wrong. It just seems like my life is so crazy, busy, hectic!! It feels like I have something to do everyday!! AHHHH When is it going to stop?? Monday Emma got her standard shots and then the flu shot, I had to hold her down. The other nurse held Mylee for me because I really hate hauling the car seat around anymore. So Emma gets 3 shots in one arm and then 2 more in her other arm. Then it was Aidens turn for the flu shot. He got the shot said Owie really loud and that was it. Then a few minutes later he was grabbing the wrong arm. Mylee got her shot in her little leg and boy she was upset about it! Mylee then went in for her monthly check up. She weighs 14lbs now. The doctor was really happy with all the little chub that she is getting. She still wants to make sure that nothing is wrong with her tummy so off to the labs we go. We will get the results next week. Meanwhile the ear doctor calls me Tuesday says that can get Kael in, in an hour and I took it of course. Kael was crying about it just that morning poor guy. Take Kael in, he needs tubes in both ears and his adnoids removed. That will take place next week on the 15th. See what I mean about no time what so ever??!! I have been having major issues with my long stringy ugly hair. So I finally cut it all off pictures will be up later. Let me say that I LOVE it! Thanks to Natalie for the super cute do!! And thanks to Anne for watching all my kids for me while I got it done!! Now its Friday and hopefully I will be able to catch up with everything around me. Meanwhile I am amazed by all the little miracles that happen to our family everyday. I love my struggles, I love my kids, and I love the crazy days that I have.
Posted by Unknown at 10:58 AM 3 comments
Kael has been feeling a little sick this past week, and the thing that always cheers him up is a bath. (I make him take showers now, its faster and easier for me) So he got in the bath and he had this fun thing that turns the bath blue and he was taking his bath. All the other kids wanted to get in, but I told them know this is just for Kael. I went downstairs for a few minutes and I hear the kids yelling Emma saying "Oh no! I will get mommy" So I start walking up the stairs and I told Emma to tell me what happened and she said just go look in the bathroom. Well this is what I found when I went in.
He loves bath time pool time anything. I know that this summer I wont be able to take my eyes off him for one minute!
He has his shoes on as well!
he just makes us laugh everyday!! Something is always going on with him!!
Posted by Unknown at 10:31 AM 5 comments
The cake we couldnt fit 49 candles on the cake so we wrote 49 out instead I am not sure if you can tell though
My mom telling Emma that she is 29 and Emma saying "no your way older than that!"
I am so grateful for my mother. If we are struggling or have a need she is always their to fill it. She takes such good care of her children and grandchildren. They always know that their Nana loves them and always will. She is a wonderful, amazing ,mom and am grateful that I got a mom like her!
Posted by Unknown at 7:09 PM 2 comments
Mylee crawling over to the presents. All these pics out of order but I don't have time to change them around.
Mylee's present
All Aiden wanted was the candy
The kids looking at their santa gifts
So excited to see his new bearded dragon
The kids running to their presents. They were so excited. This is one of my favorite parts of christmas is to see the excitement on my children's faces.
Shoody is his name Kael comes up with the greatest names.
Posted by Unknown at 6:54 PM 2 comments
In Glendora we always had this tradition of Santa Claus coming to our house on Christmas Eve. Well he finally found our house this year and he came and alot of Kael and Emmas cousins were there to make sure to tell Santa one more time what they wanted for Christmas. Midway during pics my battery died so I will have to get the rest of the pics from my moms camera later. My life has been so busy. I have not had a chance to sit around the house and do nothing for quite awhile. I am ready for that to happen.... any day now!! well here are some of the fun Christmas eve pics
Ok they are a little out of order but oh well here is Mylee checking out santa
Telling Santa again about his bearded dragon that he wants She wanted a hello kitty toaster weird child lets say she didn't get that! She makes us laugh!!
All the cousins doing a craft
I know Aiden sat on Santas lap but of course I don't have his picture. I am sure I have it on my moms camera
All the cousins with their goodies that Santa brought themAiden and Aaron are only interested in their loot!! (:
Posted by Unknown at 6:36 PM 0 comments
Josh's brother andy and his family came down from Utah to spend their Christmas here in Arizona and one night we all went to the temple to see the lights. I didnt get to many pics because my hands were freezing, it was way too crowded and there was too many kids to keep track of. But the kids had a great time here is the one and only cute pic I could get of all the kids
Posted by Unknown at 6:30 PM 1 comments