After our wonderful family reunion we stayed the night at Heather's house we watch the UFC fight- well the boys watched the girls wrangled the kids (: My pics are out of order sorry I just need to get caught up on my blog and I am to lazy to fix the pics (:
This is all of our kids together they really get along well.
They have this awesome ramp that I have decided I really need, it entertains the kids for hours!!
he is like yeah what ever this is cool I am cool, what can I say (:
The infamous SUPERSTAR pose. We did allot of dumb things in High school and we still do them its fun what can I say?
Cade looks like he is having fun, he really wants me to move so he can watch the fight and Josh, well he is just a dork I LOVE him!
The kids having a blast on the tramp. What is it with boys always having to have their shirts off? They crack me up Aiden even had to have his shirt off.
I miss you!!! Come back to meeee!!!
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