We were able to get away and go to Santa Barbara for the weekend. It was freezing, and so wonderful! I love Santa Barbara it is so beautiful there. I have so many great memories of Santa Barbara and every time I go I get to relive my childhood, it is one of my heavens on earth.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Memorial day Weekend
Posted by Unknown at 8:37 PM 2 comments
Kaels Graduation
I cant believe that my little guy has finished Kindergarten. He is such a wonderful little boy and I am so proud of him. Here is a cute video of his performance for his last day of kindergarten
Sorry about the laughter he is just so stinkin cute and I loved the dance!
Posted by Unknown at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Daddy water Day
Kaels kindergarten had a fun daddy water day. They had pools, shaving cream, silly string, water balloons, hoses and a few other things I am sure I am missing.
Posted by Unknown at 8:32 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Emma's Ballet Recital
I am sorry I am so her mom, I think she is just the cutest little girl ever! I love everything about this sweet little girl. I thought she did such a great job. I am so proud of her for just getting up there and dancing. That is so scary to do especially in front of so many people that you don't know. She is just getting better and better. She cant wait to start up dance again, she told me "mommy I will try the best I can, and do really good at ballet!" Her exact words. Emma you are such a strong willed amazingly cute, silly, energetic, beautiful little peanut. We love you so much!!!
So proud of herself
She is ready to dance!
Pretty ballerina. Emma I just love those big blue eyes of yours. I am so proud of you!
Posted by Unknown at 12:26 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Fast Sunday
I had almost forgot to blog about my silly little Emma once again. She really cracks me up everyday. Well last fast sunday Josh had to work, so I was all by myself at church. Once Kael realized it was fast Sunday he wanted to go up and bear his testimony, soon after Emma wanted to go to. Well I let Kael go up, and he was really sweet. Then Emma would not stop bothering me. I told her she could only go up if she could go by herself and do it. She said mommy I know how to do it. Well she gets up there and begins, "I'd like to bear my testimony, I know this church is true, I love my mommy and daddy, and brothers and sister". She then leans away from the microphone to look and me and she mouths the words "mommy what's next?" Shocked I just froze for a moment, then she says into the microphone "mommy what do I say now". I try to tell her to just say amen and get down, but of course she cant understand me, at this point everyone has a giggle because she is so stinkin cute! But there was no way that I was going to haul two babies up to the front to help her, then I would be stuck having to give my own testimony, which I was not prepared to do. Finally our 1st counselor in the Bishopric gets up and helps her with the rest of it. I am so grateful for brother Merrill and really helping me out I just could not go up there, it was hard enough not having Josh there. I am really grateful to my brave children for always wanting to go bear their testimony. I wish I had their courage. I always have a testimony in my heart, but going up and bearing my testimony just terrifies me. Oh the memories I am making! (:
Posted by Unknown at 9:03 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
Mothers Day Tea party
Kaels little Kindergarten class had a mothers day tea party for all of their mothers. It was so much fun.
Posted by Unknown at 9:03 AM 0 comments
Father and sons camp out
My boys went on the Father and Sons camp out a few weeks ago here are the pics from their awesome adventure. Getting excited to leave waiting for daddy to go. I love Aidens face is this picture.
Now they are ready to have fun!
Playing together, getting dirty.
ExploringThis make look like an ordinary box with nothing in it, except that it is the boys tent that I had just bought from Walmart for the camp out with no tent in it!!!! Oh well its a great story and the boys had fun in the car (:
The potato gun
Getting cozy in the tent (; They have the best daddy ever!!!
My pics are out of order oh well. This is Kaels first time riding a bike with out training wheels. it was a giant moment for him and us. He could not wait to show me when he got home. Only a face a mother could love.
Dirt, food and your best brother what more could you ask for?
Out of order but none the less awesome. Josh slept in the passenger front seat. Poor guy not comfortable at all. The things we do for our little ones. He is the best daddy in the whole world!!!
Posted by Unknown at 8:46 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Hanna Montana
Posted by Unknown at 3:07 PM 1 comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
WOW 9 years already
I remember my wedding day like it was yesterday. I can not believe that is has been 9 years already. It really does fly when your having fun. It has been an amazing ride. My hubby is amazing, I will brag about this until the day that I die, but he went to school full time worked 2 jobs (one that happened to be back braking), survived on very little sleep, and had a horrible wife that was nagging him constantly about something, and managed to Graduate Valedictorian of his class. I have always believed going to school was the right thing to do for our family and I am so glad that he did, our kids will always be able to say "hey if my daddy did it so can I!" He still is amazing guy to this day, not only does he work all day but he comes home from work, gives our kids dinner, bathes them, puts jammies on them, gives them any kind of medicine they need, reads them a story and helps them say their prayers. He also watches the kids while I go out to get my nails done sometimes I need a break from it all and he realizes that and lets me get my break. He probably does not know how much it means to me by doing all that while I am at work. I never have to worry about how my kids are because I know they are perfectly fine with him. Our partnership is amazing, I just love him to pieces. I think our relationship gets better every year. I love you so much Josh thanks for everything you do for our family. I look forward to celebrating many more years of bliss with you!! We had a great night out for our anniversary. My sister Kimmi took all the kids to spend the night at her house and Josh and I went to our favorite place Bennihana's and then we went and did my favorite thing shopping at the mall with no kids!! That was the best part!! Just us enjoying time together no little ones interrupting our conversation. I love you babe!! I cant wait till next year, its gonna be great!!
Posted by Unknown at 7:12 PM 4 comments
Kimmis Birthday
My cute little sis turned 21 we celebrated her birthday a few Sundays ago, I am just really slow at bloging lately. I love you Kimmi your an awesome sister and a great Auntie!! My babies just love there Auntie Kimmi like no other!! She is always so happy to see them and she is such a great helper to me when she is around!! Thanks for being awesome I love you!!
Posted by Unknown at 7:06 PM 0 comments