Friday, November 7, 2008

Halloween finally!

We went trick or treating in my moms neighborhood and everyone pretty much sits out on their porch or driveway and passes out candy that way.  I think that Aiden won best costume of the night everyone just died every time they saw this adorable little Elvis walk up with his candy bucket.  I am not kidding when I say he was the hit.  We would be walking and we could here people say oh there he is there is the little Elvis look.  It was great.  He had no clue what he was but he LOVED making his costume dance and swish! 

Aidens bucket was so full of candy he could hardly carry it

This is how Elvis rides

He gets strolled right up to the door

They love candy  I mean each other!!  (;   Kael is a scary shark his candy bucket said shark bait on it, and Emma was a dainty little flower

Worn out from all the fun

What a cute little flower!

Another cute little flower!!

Elvis wants back in his ride, we sprayed his hair black with hairspray, you should have seen the bathtub after this.

Trick or treat

I think this picture says it all!!


Kristin said...

That looks like a fun Halloween! And it's true, Aiden had an awesome costume!!

amelia said...

Go Barb, rockin' the pirate costume!