Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dang I am 30 now!!

My dear friend Monica had got a Twilight ticket for me because it came out the night of my birthday. She brought her nephew Jacob. We had a lot of fun waiting in line to see the movie. We made friends with all the Harkin employee's. They were really nice despite people being mean to them all night.

my sis in law Laura also came out to wait in line for the newest Twilight movie

I threw a fit and made josh come see the movie he didn't want to stay up till midnight watch the movie and get up for work the next day. But I totally pulled the birthday card and there he was watching the movie with me (: Love him!! He surprised me and stayed home from work with me on my birthday. It was so fun to get all the facebook happy birthdays texts all day from people. it was also fun going and getting all the free birthday treats. I went and got my dozen free krispie kreme donuts. We went to Joe's Farm Grille for my free birthday lunch. Then we went into my work and the girls I work with had ordered yummy Mexican food. it was a really nice day. I felt so very loved that day. I guess that's why birthdays are so fun. (:

K Josh kind of looks a little pale in this pick!! (;
I have got to say that I finally feel comfortable in my own skin. Do you know what I mean? It took me 30 years to realize that I like myself, that I can have my own opinion and its ok. That I am not as skinny as I was in High school but I feel so much better about myself. I just cant explain it,but just that I am finally in a "happy place". I look forward to getting older and wiser. I am at peace with myself. I know it is because everyday my testimony grows and it makes my life so much better. I can feel my Savior's love for me on a daily basis. I am worthy of his love. I am grateful for the knowledge I have of an eternal family. I have a testimony of prayer he never answers it the way I want him to but he answers it and its the right way.